The world and the future which are connected by a line.

Our pride with The Best Delivery Award
On May26,2023 , Hayakawa Electronics (Thailand) was honored by awarding the best delivery supplier
__ from Thai Honda Co.,Ltd. In this occassion, HET. President (Mr.Mitsunobu Sakaguchi) has expressed sincerely
__ thank to all HET.employees for good cooperation trying to keep on time delivery to customers.

Basic Firefighting and Evacuation fire drill Training 2024
We have plan comply with legal to educate Basic Firefighting and Evacuation fire drill Training annual 2024
.... On 30 Oct and 06,07 Nov’2024.On that day when hearing Emergency sound alarm. Let’s go to the assembly point
.... According to the evacuation route.
.... Note : Please inform to all HET’s Employee and Visitor at that time.

Drainage water quality is measured

Air quality is measured
Data of Greenhouse Gas Emission
HETCI (Continuous Improvement Strategy 2024)
On April 10 Hayakawa Electronics (Thailand) Kicked off the meeting HETCI (Continuous Improvement Strategy 2024 )
_ and on April 11,25, May 09, 2024, Internal In-house course VSM (Value Stream Mapping) Training & Workshop for
_ engineering and staff. Establish Continued Improvement of Hayakawa Electronic (Thailand) culture and apply the VSM
_ lean manufacturing technique used to visualize and analyze the steps involved in delivering a product or service from
_ start to finish. It provides a comprehensive overview of the entire production process, highlighting areas of value-added
_ activities as well as areas of waste reduction teamwork and collaboration skill.

Give a certificate and small rewards for participating and completing the course “CI Strategy and VSM Value Stream
_ Mapping workshop by the Management team.

VSM Current State Mapping
