On May26,2023 , Hayakawa Electronics (Thailand) was honored by awarding the best delivery supplier |
__ from Thai Honda Co.,Ltd. In this occassion, HET. President (Mr.Mitsunobu Sakaguchi) has expressed sincerely |
__ thank to all HET.employees for good cooperation trying to keep on time delivery to customers. |
We have plan comply with legal to educate Basic Firefighting and Evacuation fire drill Training annual 2024 |
.... On 30 Oct and 06,07 Nov’2024.On that day when hearing Emergency sound alarm. Let’s go to the assembly point |
.... According to the evacuation route. |
.... Note : Please inform to all HET’s Employee and Visitor at that time. |
On April 10 Hayakawa Electronics (Thailand) Kicked off the meeting HETCI (Continuous Improvement Strategy 2024 ) |
_ and on April 11,25, May 09, 2024, Internal In-house course VSM (Value Stream Mapping) Training & Workshop for |
_ engineering and staff. Establish Continued Improvement of Hayakawa Electronic (Thailand) culture and apply the VSM |
_ lean manufacturing technique used to visualize and analyze the steps involved in delivering a product or service from |
_ start to finish. It provides a comprehensive overview of the entire production process, highlighting areas of value-added |
_ activities as well as areas of waste reduction teamwork and collaboration skill. |
Give a certificate and small rewards for participating and completing the course “CI Strategy and VSM Value Stream |
_ Mapping workshop by the Management team. |
VSM Current State Mapping |